I earn my keep in new
media, and also enjoy creating concept art and electronic music.
What is new media?
Wikipedia contains a good description of new media at:
Here is an excerpt from the article that sums it up nicely: "New
media rely on digital technologies, allowing for previously separate
media to converge ... 'The idea of ‘new media’ captures
both the development of unique forms of digital media, and the remaking
of more traditional media forms to adopt and adapt to the new media
How do I earn my keep?
I currently work on projects that focus on customer
experience design and management.
To date, all of my work has involved communicating ideas using new
and traditional
media including web, print, interactive multimedia, photography,
motion graphics and animation, video and audio.
I have also provided 'hands-on' ICT and audiovisual hardware and software
In addition to studying new media at university, my long-term hobbies
have included – studying the keyboard/synthesiser (including music
theory and writing and recording music); illustration; airbrushing;
and photography.
Refer to my Links page for some of the people
and books that have influenced me.
Buy stuff
Some of my photos and illustrations
can be purchased through RedBubble
Listen to stuff
Some of my music can be heard using MySpace